Here to Assist
As a professional Life Coach, asking the right questions is very important. Below you will find a compilation of the most common questions I’ve been asked about coaching and the services I provide. If you still have questions after reading through the FAQs, please give me a call or send me an email, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Q: What is Synesthesia?
A: Synesthesia is the ability to have more than one ability at the same time. For a "Normal" that's like sneezing and burping at the same time. For a synesthetic person, "Natural" - it's knowing their own emotions and either feeling, seeing, or tasting human emotion at the same time.
Color–graphemic synesthesia: People perceive letters or numbers as having colors. For example, the letter C might be yellow, and the letter "M" might be white or transparent.
Spatial-sequence synesthesia: People assign spatial locations to items in a sequence, such as letters of the alphabet. For example, people with this type of synesthesia might feel letters on a list occupying specific locations in their mind's eye.
Chromesthesia: People associate colors with sounds, such as a major chord being bright orange and an F sharp minor being dark blue. People with chromesthesia often have perfect pitch.
Mirror-touch synesthesia (MTS): ​Feeling a touch when seeing someone else being touched: People feel a touch when seeing someone else being touched. (This one is my favorite)
Synesthesia is not a disease or disorder, and it doesn't mean you're mentally ill. It is useful in Therapy, Medical, Dental, EMT, Surgical, LIFE COACHES, etc.
Q: Can I develop Synesthesia or do I have to be born with it?
A: Secret: All people are born with it. How it shows itself is through trauma. Intense trauma. Whether it's positive or negative, It's the high intensity emotion that brings it out.
Q: Can it be used every day?
A: That's Where Evolution Blessed comes in. Yes. We specialize in training you to use your powers for good. EVB removes the traumatic emotional attachment and keeps the ability strong and fresh and controllable so you don't have to be afraid of yourself or have "Normal's" not be afraid of your abilities.
You are not scary, You are not, Weird, You are perfect. You are wonderful! You are the Energy Frequency and Vibration of the Universe!
Can I book an Intake Session?
Yes. Our first intake sessions have and always will be free for your first initial consultation. We will discuss what your gifts are and how you would like to control and enhance them. We will also go deep into your thought processes to see if you also have any underlying gifts that you possess.
What are your fees?
Our fee's are based on the individuals needs. Our first session is always free. After that it will depend on you if you would like to continue our services.
What is coaching?
Everyone thinks that Coaching is a counseling session. It's not. Coaching is a one on one individualized session based on a particular need to come up to a higher level of existence. It can be done in groups of like-mindedness to grow and know that you are not alone in your venture. Life Coaching means that someone is willing to go with you those extra miles to help you become successful in your personal venture. Counselors counsel...we are coaches and trainers.